Prayer Timings - 09 Feb. (10 Shaʻban)
Fajr Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha Adhaan 06:15 AM 06:57 AM 12:30 PM 02:45 PM 05:24 PM 06:32 PM Iqamah 06:35 AM 12:50 PM 03:05 PM 05:29 PM 06:52 PM Jumua Timings
Jumua Khutba 1st Juma 12:30 PM 2nd Juma 01:15 PM 3rd Juma 01:45 PM Donate to our New Masjid !!!
The Prophet (peace be upon him) tells us “Whosoever shares in building a Masjid for Allah, even if it is is small as a bird’s nest, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise.”
Welcome to Assafa Islamic Center
Assafa Islamic Center is a not-for-profit, religious and non-political organization. The local Muslim community established the center in 1996. Two years later they acquired a city lot at an auction. it was providing services of five-time prayers, weekend school, and Hifzul Qur’an, in a rented space at 172 Allen St only on a temporary basis. For Jumuah prayer we had to rent a separate space in Mariana Bracetti Community Center, located at 296 E 4th street (Between Ave B & C). So it is crucial to complete the new project to continue the services for the musallies.
The new project is intended for da’wa and interfaith dialogue, expanded prayer space, a NYC Board of Education complaint full time Islamic school, all kinds of religious educational programs, and social services as needed by the community at large.×-